Clouds are a beautiful phenomenon to test human perception. From a distance they are perceivable as separate entities. They dissolve into a foggy soup surrounding you as you get closer. But how do they feel? After some hikes in the beautiful Taiwanese mountains I felt the urge to manifest cloudness in an performance.
Heitere Wolkenstudie (Serene Cloud Study) is 15 minutes solo dance performance held on April 28th 2024. An ambient song from the band Carbon Based Lifeforms was played during the performance. A small turquoise stone was the center piece around the dance took place. The performance explored the emerging qualities of my movements as I let myself be moved from the single intention I am cloud.
A video documentation of the performance can be found here.
performance, detail shot performance, detail shot performance, detail shot performance, detail shot
Just another butoh-inspired performance can be found here.